How to choose a Hearing Aid – Part #1
- By Peter Byrom
- 06 September 2023
- 3 minutes 10:57am
Hello and welcome back to the Peter Byrom Audiology blog! In this edition I will be walking you through how to choose a hearing aid.
Of course, my role as an audiologist is to guide you to make an informed decision; but what can you be thinking about in advance of your first appointment?
Hearing Aid Styles
Before deciding it’s important to understand what style of hearing aid are available. As our starting point, let’s take a look at the 5 main types of hearing aid:
RIC – Receiver in the canal
- The most common type of hearing aid; this is worn behind the ear and the sound is transmitted via the thin receiver wire into your ear canal
- Suitable for most hearing losses, they are discreet and easy to look after
- Many come in a rechargeable option and a waterproof option
- Can be connected to your mobile phone and other devices to stream apps etc

BTE – Behind the ear
- Similar to the RIC but uses a tube rather than a wire to transmit sound, also sits behind the ear
- More commonly used for moderate to severe/profound hearing losses so larger than a RIC
- Can be connected to your mobile phone to stream apps etc
ITE – In the ear
- For this type of hearing aid, we take an impression or scan of the inside of your ear
- Sits inside the ear, not behind
- Custom-made, discreet but not invisible
- Suitable for moderate to severe hearing losses
ITC – In the canal
- Similar to an ITE but sits deeper in the ear canal
- Smaller so less technology; often will not have directional microphones which are useful for speech in noisy environments
- Due to size, may not be able to connect to other devices
- Suitable for mild to moderate hearing losses
- The only truly invisible hearing aid, sits deep in the ear canal
- Worn 24/7, fitted by a specially trained audiologist
- Analogue, not digital, a more ‘natural’ sound
- No connectivity to other devices
- A subscription service, the Lyric device is replaced every 2-3 months

What else should you consider?
Now that we know what’s available, what else should you think about? Not all of the styles we have looked at will be suitable for your hearing loss; once we know your level hearing loss I will be able to guide you through the options. Then, we’ll fit you with a hearing aid for a demonstration to give you a ‘feel’ of how things sound. Which leads me nicely to our next factor…
How do you want it to sound?
All the hearing aids we have discussed, apart from Lyric, process the sounds around us electronically. Each manufacturer ‘handles’ this in their own unique way and you may find that you prefer one over another. Also, the more advanced models have extra programmes and features that can change how the aid is working for you.
Our goal is to treat your hearing loss and find the hearing aids that feel and sound ‘right’ to you. A lot of people end up not wearing their hearing aids, so let’s get it right first time! Interested in why they don’t? Take a look at my previous post about this here.
Coming up!
In part two we will shine a light on how your lifestyle, aesthetics and even anatomy can impact the choice you make.
In the meantime, take care and see you again soon.
Ear Wax Clear is a leading ear and hearing clinic in Sheffield. Our highly respected audiologist and hearing aid dispenser Peter Byrom has successfully and safely cleared the ears of over 1,000 clients and has many years of experience.
Our Clinics
Ear Wax Clear
Thornbury Hospital
312 Fulwood Road
Sheffield S10 3BR -
Ear Wax Clear
12 Causeway Head Road Dore
Sheffield S17 3DT
0114 233 1800 -