What’s your favourite sound?
- By Peter Byrom
- 13 December 2022
- 3 minutes 10:57am
Brrr it may be cold outside but it’s a very warm welcome back to the Peter Byrom Audiology blog.
Christmas is rapidly approaching and wrapping paper being torn apart and family laughing are some of my favourite sounds.
This got me thinking that this month I would take a look at what other people’s favourite sounds are… Along with some tips for the festive season of course!
Nature, naturally
An old cliché perhaps but people really do love to hear the sound of birds singing. Check out this article on why it’s not just pleasant but may be a real boost to our mental health: https://www.nhm.ac.uk/discover/how-listening-to-bird-song-can-transform-our-mental-health.html
With old age the high frequencies that are associated with birdsong are often the first to go, so if you haven’t heard the birds in a while, it might be time to check in on your hearing.
Another that comes up time and again is rain and we certainly get plenty of it in the UK! The next time it’s hammering down outside, enjoy the cosy feeling from being indoors.
This one is obvious – favourite bands, happy memories, singing in a choir – music is the soundtrack to our lives. One favourite musical sound that people often report loving is the sound of an orchestra tuning up; maybe you’ll get to experience this at a Christmas panto this year?
So many favourite sounds are associated with socialising and merriment and Christmas and New Year bring these with abundance: the pop of a champagne cork, laughing with friends, clinking of glasses, cars on a gravel driveway, fireworks, the list goes on!
If your festive schedule includes a Winter walk, Christmas songs and catching up with friends and family, then what can you do to make sure that you don’t miss out on all these fantastic sounds?
- Preparation! Think about who you will be seeing over the festive period and list the issues you might face; this could be a particular speaker you struggle with, noisy children being present or attending a concert
- Lip-reading: this is potentially something you already do but don’t forget how useful this can be. If you’ve not had to do it in a while, it might be worth practicing a little in advance.
- The dinner table: who can you sit with that will be a help not a hindrance to your hearing? Is there someone who can be your hearing buddy if you do start to struggle?
What about hearing-aid specific advice?
- Wear them! It sounds obvious but now is not the time to struggle on. If you are not getting on with them, they may need resetting so get this planned ahead of time.
- Look after them! Cold weather and increased humidity indoors can wreak havoc with your aids so make sure you are keeping them clean and dry.
Thank you
I hope this month’s blog has brought a little joy as well as some food for thought. It has been another busy year here at Peter Byrom Audiology and I have enjoyed helping many patients with their hearing journey. I do hope that you enjoy the festive season and all of the beautiful sounds that go with it.
Take care, Peter
Ear Wax Clear is a leading ear and hearing clinic in Sheffield. Our highly respected audiologist and hearing aid dispenser Peter Byrom has successfully and safely cleared the ears of over 1,000 clients and has many years of experience.
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